3616 S US HWY 33, ALBION, IN, 46701, USA
S&CBPA LLC is an entity registered at Indiana with company number 2007010800124. Company is incorporated on5th January 2007. Current status of the company is Admin Dissolved. The company's agentis MAX BEASLEY, 14100 LAWRENCE LAKE DR., PLYMOUTH, IN, 46563, USA
Company name | S&CBPA LLC |
Address | 3616 S US HWY 33, ALBION, IN, 46701, USA |
Status | Admin Dissolved |
Company number | 2007010800124 |
Company type | Domestic Limited Liability Company |
Domicile state | Indiana |
Incorporation Date | 5th January 2007 |
Dissolved Date | 3rd September 2010 |
Expiration Date | Perpetual |
Business Entity Report Due Date | 2009-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 |
Years Due | 2009/2010, 2011/2012, 2013/2014, 2015/2016 |
Address | 14100 LAWRENCE LAKE DR., PLYMOUTH, IN, 46563, USA |